Alternate REITs Buy Trigger = Reversion to Mean Dividend Yield

First, I like to wish all my Chinese readers a very Happy New Year, 祝你 恭喜发财, 万事如意,  身体健康! A week has passed since the shocking week and guess what, the US stock markets have turned around and now marched steadily and confidently forward despite the 10 years Treasury yield rising to recent record levels which was the … Continue reading Alternate REITs Buy Trigger = Reversion to Mean Dividend Yield

Swapping in this (Bloody) Week!

I am sure you know what happened in the stock markets around the world in the last one week. The headlines on the steep drops and extreme volatility were seen everyday. For a moment, no one seems to care about the price of bitcoin anymore 🙂 ... global investors have a "new" love. Furthermore, there are … Continue reading Swapping in this (Bloody) Week!